Colorverse - Monkeyhead Nebula

Colorverse Monkeyhead Nebula fountain pen ink review

Colorverse - Monkeyhead Nebula - Ink drop

Whether you shake the bottle to agitate the shimmer or treat it more gently when you ink a pen, this is a beautiful ink. Monkeyhead Nebula is one of three inks released in early 2023 from the Vol. 6 Nebula Special series. They’re available individually in the nice, 65 ml teardrop bottles.

Colorverse Monkeyhead Nebula fountain pen ink color variations

Colorverse - Monkeyhead Nebula - Color Range

Monkeyhead Nebula is an elegant slate grey-blue. It’s more saturated than Cat’s Eye Nebula, but the two share the same pink-peach shimmer. The shimmer is of a very fine particle, and it hasn’t caused any clogging problems, even after leaving a pen untouched for several days.

Colorverse Monkeyhead Nebula fountain pen ink on Cosmo Air Light and Tomoe River paper

Ink Swatches on Cosmo Air Light and Tomoe River

This is a nice shading ink with good variation on both coated and uncoated papers. You also get a strong, dark stroke edging on coated papers. This gives a three-dimensional pop to strokes and is my preferred choice. With a water brush, you’ll find gorgeous pinks and lavenders bursting from the blues, too.

Colorverse Monkeyhead Nebula water wash on Tomoe River paper

Colorverse Monkeyhead Nebula Water Wash

In writing, this ink performs very well. On six test papers (both coated and uncoated), I didn’t have any problems with feather or spread. It’s wetter than Cat’s Eye Nebula, and the flow is nice. Show-through is more visible on most papers in comparison, but that’s not surprising with its more saturated base color.

Colorverse Monkeyhead Nebula fountain pen ink writing sample on Cosmo Air Snow

Nice Shading Accents!

Whether it’s for normal writing, or more visually creative uses, Monkeyhead Nebula is a real beauty. This is one of my favorite shimmer inks from Colorverse. Highly recommended!

Colorverse Monkeyhead Nebula fountain pen ink writing samples

Colorverse - Monkeyhead Nebula - Writing Samples

Colorverse Monkeyhead Nebula fountain pen ink swatch card

Colorverse - Monkeyhead Nebula - Swatch Card

Colorverse Monkeyhead Nebula fountain pen ink swatch comparisons

Colorverse - Monkeyhead Nebula - Comparisons

Colorverse Monkeyhead Nebula fountain pen ink 65 ml bottle

Colorverse - Monkeyhead Nebula - 65 ml Bottle


Kobe Ink - #8 Arima Amber


Colorverse - Cat’s Eye Nebula