BlueBlack x Diamine - Blue House

BlueBlack x Diamine Seoul City set 청와대 (The Blue House) fountain pen ink

BlueBlack x Diamine - The Blue House - Ink Drop

청와대 (The Blue House) is ink seven of the ten-ink Seoul City set from BlueBlack. BlueBlack worked with Diamine to create sets that reflect influential cultural aspects of select world cities. Along with London and New York, the Seoul set is available at BlueBlack Pen Shop in Seoul, or on their website.

BlueBlack x Diamine Seoul City set 청와대 (The Blue House) fountain pen ink sheen

BlueBlack x Diamine - The Blue House - Sheen

From 1948-2022, 청와대 (blue-tiled pavilion, commonly called “the Blue House”) served as the presidential offices and residence in South Korea. Current President Yoon moved the offices, and it is now a public park. It’s a beautifully graceful, and very regal complex, built in traditional Korean architectural style. This ink closely matches the iconic, blue-tiled roof that inspired its name.

BlueBlack x Diamine Seoul City set 청와대 (The Blue House) fountain pen ink shading

BlueBlack x Diamine - The Blue House - Color Range

This is a very appealing middle-to-dark blue with strong, yellow undertones clearly visible in stroke centers and areas of saturation. It’s this yellowish aspect that makes it so interesting to me. It isn’t a teal, but it has real personality that I don’t find in many darker blues. This is also what makes it match the presidential roof so well.

BlueBlack x Diamine Seoul City set 청와대 (The Blue House) fountain pen ink strokes on Rhodia

BlueBlack x Diamine - The Blue House - On Rhodia

This ink is more viscous than the previous six inks reviewed from the set. It has a more luxurious writing experience and flows beautifully. The writing samples show there is no concern with feather. Strokes are crisp and sharp, and there’s a nice, darkened edge in wider nibs. Drying time was the same as the other inks reviewed from the set.

BlueBlack x Diamine Seoul City set 청와대 (The Blue House) fountain pen ink writing samples

BlueBlack x Diamine - The Blue House - Writing Samples

I think 청와대 balances the Seoul City set nicely in terms of writing experience. I’ve liked all of the inks so far, and I’m happy to have this ink in the set.

BlueBlack x Diamine Seoul City set 청와대 (The Blue House) fountain pen ink swatch card

BlueBlack x Diamine - The Blue House - Ink Swatch Card

BlueBlack x Diamine Seoul City set 청와대 (The Blue House) fountain pen ink swatch comparisons

BlueBlack x Diamine - The Blue House - Comparisons

BlueBlack x Diamine Seoul City set 청와대 (The Blue House) fountain pen ink bottle

BlueBlack x Diamine - The Blue House - Ink Bottle

BlueBlack x Diamine Seoul City ink set

BlueBlack x Diamine - Seoul City Ink Set

BlueBlack x Diamine Seoul City set ten ink bottles

BlueBlack x Diamine - Seoul City Set - Ink Bottles


Platinum - President


BlueBlack x Diamine - Afternoon in Seoul