Colorverse - Office Brown

Colorverse Office Brown fountain pen ink review

Colorverse - Office Brown - Ink drop

The Office series from Colorverse is unusual in that it includes both dye and pigment-based inks. That makes sense for a series devoted to office standards. Office Brown is one of the seven dye inks, so it isn’t as water-resistant as the three pigment inks, but it does show quite good water-resistance in the chromatography.

Colorverse Office Brown fountain pen ink color range

Colorverse Office Brown fountain pen ink color range

I wouldn’t call Office Brown a simple, standard brown. It isn’t wild and crazy, but it isn’t boring, either. It’s cool in tone, with a soft demeanor. As the chromatography shows, there are strong red and yellow influences that make it an interesting brown. I’m sure you could get some very nice results with a water brush, too.

Colorverse Office Brown fountain pen ink on Cosmo Air Light and Tomoe River papers

Ink Swatches on Cosmo Air Light and Tomoe River

There is moderate shading on coated papers (and some variation on uncoated papers, as well.) The light areas make me want to call it a sepia brown, and really showcase the peachy pink undertones. On cream-colored papers like Midori MD and Oasis, you’ll find it more of a yellowish, medium brown.

Colorverse Office Brown fountain pen ink writing sample on Cosmo Air Snow paper

Some shading on Cosmo Air Snow paper

Writing performance and experience are both very nice. It’s wetter than average in flow, particularly for a Colorverse ink. I didn’t find any feathering on coated papers. Stroke profiles were sharp and clean. On good-quality uncoated papers, it performed well, too. On office copy paper, I found a little spreading or micro-feathering in saturated stroke ends. I used a juicy, Jowo medium nib for testing, and it’s probably not as issue in a fine or extra fine, or a drier nib.

Colorverse Office Brown fountain pen ink writing samples

Colorverse Office Brown ink writing samples

Like the other nine inks in the Office series, Office Brown comes in Colorverse’s wide-mouthed, 30 ml bottle. It might not be as elegant as their ink drop bottle, but it’s nice, and very practical. I like it very much. It brings the price down, too. You can find Office Brown for US$12-15 at many popular online retailers.

Colorverse Office Brown fountain pen ink swatch card

Colorverse Office Brown - Swatch Card

Colorverse Office Brown fountain pen ink swatch comparisons

Colorverse Office Brown - Comparisons

Colorverse Office Brown fountain pen ink 30 ml bottle

Colorverse Office Brown - 30 ml Ink Bottle


Manufactum - Spatburgunder


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