Vinta - Harlequin Bodabil

Vinta Inks Harlequin Bodabil fountain pen ink

Vinta Inks - Harlequin Bodabil - Ink Drop

Harlequin is part of Vinta Inks’ Sheening collection, and it’s definitely a sheener! The word “bodabil” is a derivation of the word “vaudeville”. In 1920, a Filipino entertainer returned from N. America, and opened his own entertainment company called “Vod-a-vil” (vaudeville). Locally, Vod-a-vil shows became popularly known as “Bodabil”.

Vinta Inks Harlequin Bodabil fountain pen ink splatter

Vinta Inks - Harlequin Bodabil - Ink Splatter

The ink has a rich, deep plum foundation, topped with a heavy, green-gold sheen. This combination perfectly mimics the colorful, shiny costumes of vaudevillian (bodabillian?) harlequins. This is a beautiful, joyous powerhouse of an ink! The green-gold sheen is rich and syrupy. Each time you look at it, it’s like seeing it for the first time. It continually stuns and makes you smile. As with any heavily sheening ink, I would thoroughly clean the pen and feed more frequently compared with standard inks. It hasn’t caused me or my pens any problems, so far.

Vinta Inks Harlequin Bodabil fountain pen ink color and sheen

Vinta Inks - Harlequin Bodabil - Color and Sheen

It's also been a good writing ink. On Rhodia 80gsm paper, I haven’t noticed any feathering or bleed. In both medium and fines nibs, strokes are coated in shining, green-gold armor, and it’s performed well overall. For such a heavily sheening ink, it is remarkably quick drying, too! In this tribute ink, Vinta have created a gorgeous explosion of color and texture. This harlequin is a feast for the eyes and will endlessly amuse and entertain!

Vinta Inks Harlequin Bodabil fountain pen ink swatch card

Vinta Inks - Harlequin Bodabil - Ink Swatch Card


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