Vinta Inks Lakbay fountain pen ink

Vinta Inks - Lakbay - Ink Drop

This is Lakbay from Vinta’s Fairytale Collection. It’s the fourth ink in the five-ink series, that I’ve reviewed, and I wish I’d bought the fifth, as well! Vinta calls it Sea and Sky in English, but the name Lakbay translates to “journey” in Tagalog. The name comes from the story of a boy tasked with finding his long-lost sisters.

Vinta Inks Lakbay fountain pen ink shades and Red Shimmer

Vinta Inks - Lakbay - Shades and Red Shimmer

Vinta Lakbay is a beautiful ink, and there’s a lot going on visually. Some will absolutely love it, for others it will be too much. The base is a lovely, lively mid-blue that brings plastic to mind for some reason. Given the chance, it’s a strong shader. Light areas are the very delicate, faintest blue of a cold, winter’s morning sky. It reminds me a bit of a very pale Tiffany blue. Dark areas have more meat, and are a very appealing tropical, mid-blue. This is a potent shimmer ink, with an intensely pink-red, fine-particle shimmer. It coats written strokes, and the darker mid-blue creates a welcome edging that keeps it sharp and well-defined. This is a powerful combination of colors and effects.

Vinta Inks Lakbay fountain pen ink edge

Vinta Inks - Lakbay - Edge

Lakbay writes quite well, especially given the high levels of shimmer. (It's perfection on Mnemosyne!) There’s no feather or bleed, and I didn’t have any problems with clogging or hard-starts. However, shimmer smear is unavoidable! Pen cleaning was also more difficult than with the others in the series.

Vinta Inks Lakbay fountain pen ink swatch card

Vinta Inks - Lakbay - Ink Swatch Card

Vinta Lakbay has a lot to offer and performs very well. In its own way, it’s undeniably striking! You may not use it often, but it’s unique and gives you everything you hope. I recommend all four of Vinta’s Fairytale inks, that I’ve reviewed. It’s a beautiful shimmer collection!

Vinta Inks Lakbay fountain pen ink swatch comparisons

Vinta Inks - Lakbay - Ink Swatch Comparisons


Vinta - Malayan Apple


Vinta - Lakambini