PenBBS - 140 Bloom

PenBBS 140 Bloom fountain pen ink splatter

PenBBS - 140 Bloom - Ink drop

PenBBs Bloom (no. 140) is a stunning coral pink with a huge amount of yellow gold shimmer. PenBBS make some of the best shimmer inks available, and Bloom is a great example of the quality of their shimmer inks. As you can see in the splatter, the shimmer is thick and thoroughly coats all of the areas of wet application.

PenBBS 140 Bloom swatch card and vial

PenBBS - 140 Bloom - Ink swatch card and vial

The deep coral pink foundation color is rich and vibrant. It really is beautiful! At angles from which the shimmer is less visible, the coral provides some nice shading, too.

PenBBS 140 Bloom ink swatch card detail

PenBBS - 140 Bloom - Ink swatch card and drying

Bloom is a moderately wet ink, and it’s very comfortable in writing. There are no problems with feather or show-through on my premium test papers, and it wrote well on office copy, too. The ink dries very quickly.

PenBBS no. 140 Bloom is an unusual color and an unusual ink, done very, very well.


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