PenBBS - 299 Green Snow

PenBBS 299 Green Snow fountain pen ink

PenBBS - 299 Green Snow - Ink drop

I’m a big fan of creamy, luscious deep blue-greens! PenBBS do shimmer inks very well, and 299 Green Snow uses color and shimmer in perfect harmony.

PenBBS 299 Green Snow is a rich, forest green with strong blue influences, but not enough to confidently call it a strong teal.  The shimmer here is white silver, but against the base color it takes on a lovely silvery-green that works beautifully. As you see in the splatter, there is a nice touch of pink sheen that decorates the edges of saturated areas. I liked it immediately, and only like it more now that I’ve spent some time with it.

PenBBS 299 Green Snow fountain pen ink swatch card

PenBBS - 299 Green Snow - Ink swatch card and drying

This is a smooth flowing ink, moderate in viscosity. It dries fairly quickly, and hasn’t caused any problems with pens or feeds, so far. I didn’t get much in terms of sheen edging in written stroke, but it has a sharp, clean profile. With no feathering problems at all, and decent drying times, I'd call it a very nice writing ink.

PenBBS 299 Green Snow fountain pen ink swatch and vial

PenBBS - 299 Green Snow - Ink swatch and vial

PenBBS is producing some really interesting, really beautiful inks, and Green Snow continues this trend! If you like this ink, be sure to check out my review of PenBBS 292 South Smoke. The two inks are similar in ways, and complement each other.


PenBBS - 311 Rose


PenBBS - 292 South Smoke